Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life is good

So, I feel the need and the desire to share the fun, joyful side of my life. I realize my recent blogs have been very heavy and may not give the best description of my daily life. I wanted to share some photos of my two favorite people in the world. Through all the pain and unknown, it amazes me how much joy has been brought to my life, especially through these two amazing people.

I think one of the best things that has come from this journey has been the way God has drawn Mark and I closer to one another, and in turn closer to Him. We have been abundantly blessed by our friends and family who have cared for Kaylee so we could spend time alone through all of this. It has been through these times that I feel our bond strengthening and our burden lifting.

The joy that Kaylee brings to our life is just indescribable. For those of you who know her, well lets just say when she opens her mouth, your in for a surprise. This girl says the funniest things, and they are usually very thought out and smart. I have started writing them down in a journal. There are daily quotes that just make us all laugh, so I don't want to forget any of them.

I had always dreamed that Kaylee would have younger siblings to play with by the time she was 3 1/2 years old. Instead of focusing on this dream, I have been so thankful to have so much special time to spend just the two of us. We have had so much fun this winter. I know I would not otherwise have this much time and energy to pour into this little life.

So these are the ways God is pulling me through and showing me the joy and blessings He had planned especially for my life.
We still do not know our future, but I can rest in the present and be sure His provisions are more than enough.

God Bless to all who have lifted us up in prayer!


spiced_chai said...

One of the verses that is carrying me through right now is Ps 116: 7 Return to your rest, o my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you. Kaylee is a truly delightful person! Thanks for sharing ;0)

Anonymous said...

i simply adore you. thanks for sharing that. i happen to like those 2 people also so i can see why you love them so much!
i love you sis!

Rosemary said...

Sweet Angie,

Thank you for your message the other day. I too love having someone on my side who knows everything I have been through.
I was able to find out the sex of two of my sweet babies...both girls. It was so, so hard to hear.

Your family is beautiful and you are all in my prayers today and always.

Love, Rosemary
