Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good stuff...

I came upon this wisdom while reading my bible study today...

"From where does true joy come? What do you think would make you happy all the time? Are your circumstances keeping you from experiencing joy or making you unhappy? Have you found the joy of being rightly related to God? God means for your happiness to come from knowing Him and knowing that your sins have been forgiven rather than from the temporal blessings He gives or does not give. We live in an ever-changing world; only God never changes. 'Jesus is the same yesterday and today, and forever.' (Hebrews 13:8) If your happiness is based on your circumstances or getting what you want, you will end up living on an emotional roller coaster. These emotional highs and lows make you 'unstable in all your ways' because they are connected to doubts about God's goodness and love for you (James 1:6-8) Stability and peace come from knowing God and trusting His purpose for your life. We are to find our happiness (our boast) in Him!"

Just thought I'd share that!


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

I needed to read that today! Thank you!

mamamia said...

That is good stuff ;0)
