Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More in His presence

Since starting my blog, God has done a lot of damage control to my heart.
Although it was an uncomfortable step I took to open myself for anyone to see and read about my many downfalls throughout this journey, it was a step worth taking.

I am amazed how many stories have been shared with me of other women who have lost children both after birth and before. Many of these stories would not have been shared with me had I still been living in the world of "woe is me."

Through talking with friends and receiving feedback from my blog, I have had the privelage to share in their journeys.
There is just something so comforting to hear about how God has worked on their hearts and transformed their lives.

I have finally reached the place where I am ready and willing for that transformation.

I have recently grieved for a dear family member who lost her precious girl just last week. It was so hard to process all the pain she was enduring and the unknown she was to face.
My heart broke again for babies lost.
God does something to your heart when you grieve for other people. At times it really sucks because you feel pain so much more intensely than before you knew of it yourself.

Does that make any sense at all? For me it does.

The good part of it lies in the relationships built and the tower of support that is being built.
And of course the way that it grows us ever closer to the Lord.

As I think of these precious babies, I remember where they are and
Whose presence they are in.

I was recently re-reading a book of stories of women who had lost babies and I stumbled upon a poem one mother wrote. I thought I'd share it with you.

"For my Precious Children"

I wondered who you'd look like;
Maybe me, perhaps Dad;
I wondered what your future held,
A future you never had.
I never looked into your eyes
Or held your tiny hand;
Now you play on streets of gold
In God's Heavenly land.
Why you're no longer here
I just can't understand,
But I know I'll recognize you
In God's heavenly land.
I'll know your precious voice,
I'll hug you, Oh, so near;
My heart will be complete again
I'll thank God He brought you here.



Rosemary said...

Lovely, Angie...just lovely.
Your words always touch my heart.

Anonymous said...

what an honor to have you share your heart throughout this journey. i cannot begin to imagine what you have been through...or go through as yet another loss touches your heart. but i can promise you that transformation - the kind that only comes from the Lord - heart transformation...has been so evident in your life during this time of suffering, whether you are just now seeing it or not.
thank you again for sharing w us. i love you dearly,
